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Endowment Index™

3-D Endowment Investment Philosophy®

By July 17, 2017No Comments

By Robert L. Riedl, CPA, CFP®, AWMA®

Endowment Wealth Management (“EWM”) is named after our trademarked Endowment Investment Philosophy®, and applies our investment approach, which was pioneered by university endowments seeking to improve their risk-adjusted returns. EWM is a fee-based, Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) that serves as a fiduciary adviser, putting the best interests of our clients first.
We differentiate our firm’s wealth management services from other advisers by combining our unique 3-D Endowment Investment Philosophy® with three layers of unique investment options. Our firm provides our clients access to a combination of low cost passive ETF’s, specialty active satellite managers and illiquid accredited & qualified private equity and debt investment options.
Our goal is to enhance the traditional two-dimensional 60/40 stock-bond portfolio to a three-dimensional allocation by adding a third bucket. This bucket, which it calls “risk-managed” is comprised of real assets, private equity and hedge strategies. That third risk managed allocation grew out of how Yale and Harvard have institutionally managed their university endowments for the past 20 to 30 years.
Our firm’s Endowment Investment Philosophy® is also encapsulated in our Firm’s proprietary Endowment Index® calculated by NASDAQ OMX® (symbol “ENDOW”), a rules-based benchmark based on the asset allocations of over 800 college and university endowments. The Index has garnered national attention from, and others.

As professionals specializing in family wealth management, we appreciate that our clients trust our professional judgment not just to manage their investments, but to also help sustain the economic future of their most valuable-asset –their family. The word ‘family’ in ‘family wealth’ always comes before wealth. Having a family wealth plan is critical to the whole financial planning process and achieving sustainable multi-generational family wealth, unity and legacy. Only when a family has a comprehensive knowledge of their financial holdings, the worth of those holdings, and the related correlations between all of the holdings, can they effectively implement an investment process leading to sustainable long-term family wealth.
