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China is now the 2nd largest stock market in the world

By General

China surpassed Japan as the world’s second-largest stock market for the first time in three years amid growing investor confidence that policy makers in Beijing will revive the economy with monetary stimulus.

China’s market capitalization climbed to $4.48 trillion yesterday after a 33 percent increase this year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Japan’s slipped to $4.46 trillion and has dropped 3.2 percent since the end of December. China was briefly the second-biggest market, behind the U.S., in March 2011 after an earthquake in Japan sent shares tumbling in Tokyo.

While the weakening yen played a role in Japan’s shrinking market value in dollar terms, the Shanghai Composite Index (SHCOMP) has climbed three times as much as Tokyo’s Topix this year. China cut interest rates for the first time since 2012 last week and economists predict authorities will take more steps to support an economy headed for its slowest annual expansion since 1990. The Shanghai gauge still has a price-to-earnings ratio 21 percent lower than its Japanese counterpart.

The growth in China’s market value, helped by the resumption of initial public offerings in January after a more than yearlong freeze, marks a turnaround for an equity market that was among the world’s worst performers from late 2010 through the middle of last year. It comes as authorities give foreign investors unprecedented access to mainland shares through the Shanghai-Hong Kong exchange link.

China surpassed Japan as the world’s second-largest economy in 2010. Its gross domestic product was valued at $9.2 trillion last year, about 89 percent more than Japan’s, data compiled by Bloomberg show. China’s market capitalization data includes companies with a primary listing on mainland exchanges.

(Source: Bloomberg)

What are Business Development Companies (“BDCs”)?

By Alternative Investments

BDCs have been around since the 1980s but have recently multiplied. More than 50 of them are now listed, with a combined market capitalization in excess of $35 billion (see chart).

Growth of BDCs

BDCs are allowed to borrow as much money as they raise from shareholders, usually through fixed-rate bonds, so the total amount at their disposal is approximately $70 billion. The industry’s total valuation is only a quarter of Citigroup’s, and were they to lend out this entire sum, it would equal just 4% of America’s commercial and industrial loans. In reality, some of their money is invested in shares and some goes into property, so their impact is even smaller.

Still, BDCs are big enough to be receiving attention from businesses hungry for capital and willing to pay interest of 10% or more to get it, as well as from investors hungry for dividends, which can also exceed 10%. That is more than four times the dividend on the average stock and more than double the yield of even a junk bond.

The high payout comes with a caveat, however. Because BDCs are classified as a fund, they pay no corporate tax, unlike a bank. To preserve this status, they must distribute 90% or more of their income each year. As a result, building up their capital base is a slog. So too is finding good customers for loans, since they do not offer the prosaic products like current and payroll accounts through which banks typically acquire their customers. Many BDCs specialize in financing the acquisitions of private-equity firms. That helps to keep down costs, as they make big loans to just a few customers. But it can also suppress returns, as there is lots of competition to back private-equity deals.

Although BDCs limited borrowing makes them safer than banks, they also suffer from higher defaults. As a result, when the financial markets become volatile, and in particular when the market for high-yield debt wobbles, their shares slump and they struggle to raise capital.

Another quirk is that all but a handful of BDCs do not have internal managers; instead, they farm out their management to nationally independent firms. The managers’ compensation under such deals is often opaque but lavish. Indeed, charges akin to the “2 and 20” that hedge-fund managers once typically extracted (a management fee of 2% of assets and a performance fee of 20% of profits beyond a certain threshold) remain common.

We use BDCs within our Global Multi-Asset Income Model and Private Equity Model as an Alternative Fixed Income and Mezzanine Debt allocation, respectively.

(Source: The Economist)

Tony Robbins on improving your financial health

By General

Tony Robbins has published his first book in titled “Money: Master the Game.  Seven Steps to Financial Freedom“.  The book is the result of his research and personal interviews with over 50 gurus and financial experts.  Tony recently appeared on Live with Kelly and Michael to discuss the book.  During the interview, Tony mentions saving consistently, not taking huge risks, hiring a fiduciary, and indexing as behaviors that people should implement to improve their financial health.  You can view the entire interview with Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan, titled, “Financial Advice with Tony Robbins” here.

Press Release: Endowment Index Historical Data Now Available Through Morningstar, Interactive Data and Bloomberg

By Endowment Index™, News

APPLETON, Wis., Nov. 11, 2014 /PRNewswire/

Historical index data for the Endowment Index™ — calculated by Nasdaq OMX® — is now available through major index and investment databases, including Bloomberg, Morningstar, and Interactive Data.  In addition, the 30,000+ advisors on the Envestnet platform can now select the Endowment Index™ to benchmark client portfolios. Endowment Index™ data can be accessed through most major quote providers and websites under the symbol “ENDOW.” The Index’s Morningstar ID is F00000TPG6.

The Endowment Index helps trustees, portfolio managers, consultants and advisors to endowments, foundations, trusts, defined benefit/defined contribution plans, pension plans and individual investors more appropriately track the performance of and analyze globally-diversified, multi-asset portfolios. The Endowment Index™ is an objective benchmark comprised of three major asset class building blocks: Global Equity, Global Fixed Income, and Alternatives, which includes hedge funds, private equity and real assets. The Endowment Index™ is a total return index and all underlying components are comprised of exchange-traded funds or other investable securities.  Endowment Wealth Management, Inc. in collaboration with ETF Model Solutions, LLC earlier this year launched the Endowment Index™ as a benchmarking tool for investors in globally-diversified, multi-asset portfolios that include alternative investments.

Endowment Wealth Management, Inc. is an independent Private Wealth Management Firm using a Multi-Client Family Office service model, whose mission is to grow wealth for individuals, families, retirement plans, endowments, foundations and other institutions through the utilization of the Endowment Investment Philosophy™.  EWM can construct index-based portfolios for investors based upon the Endowment Index™ asset allocation.

ETF Model Solutions, LLC, is third party investment manager and ETF strategist that builds investment models for 401(k) plans, Investment Advisors within their practice, Family Offices, Endowments, Foundations, Trusts, and Individual Investors.  The Firm is the fund manager for the Endowment Multi-Asset ETF Collective Investment Fund, available for use in 401(k) and other retirement plans.

Prateek Mehrotra, MBA, CFA®, CAIA®
920.785.6010 or

Disclosure:  You typically cannot invest directly in an index. Indexes do not contain fees.  Information presented is for educational purposes only and is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies, nor shall it be construed to be the provision of investment advice.  Investments involve risk and unless otherwise stated, are not insured or guaranteed. Be sure to consult with a qualified financial advisor and/or tax professional before implementing any investment strategies. While the firms are related and share corporate offices, Endowment Wealth Management, Inc. and ETF Model Solutions, LLC are each individually registered as an investment adviser in the State of Wisconsin. A copy of each firm’s respective disclosure document, Form ADV Brochure Part 2, is available upon request.

Link to Release

Press Release: Endowment Index™ Historical Data Now Available Through Morningstar, Interactive Data and Bloomberg

By Endowment Index™, News

APPLETON, Wis., Nov. 11, 2014 /PRNewswire/

Historical index data for the Endowment Index™ — calculated by Nasdaq OMX® — is now available through major index and investment databases, including Bloomberg, Morningstar, and Interactive Data.  In addition, the 30,000+ advisors on the Envestnet platform can now select the Endowment Index™ to benchmark client portfolios. Endowment Index™ data can be accessed through most major quote providers and websites under the symbol “ENDOW.” The Index’s Morningstar ID is F00000TPG6.

The Endowment Index helps trustees, portfolio managers, consultants and advisors to endowments, foundations, trusts, defined benefit/defined contribution plans, pension plans and individual investors more appropriately track the performance of and analyze globally-diversified, multi-asset portfolios. The Endowment Index™ is an objective benchmark comprised of three major asset class building blocks: Global Equity, Global Fixed Income, and Alternatives, which includes hedge funds, private equity and real assets. The Endowment Index™ is a total return index and all underlying components are comprised of exchange-traded funds or other investable securities.  Endowment Wealth Management, Inc. in collaboration with ETF Model Solutions, LLC earlier this year launched the Endowment Index™ as a benchmarking tool for investors in globally-diversified, multi-asset portfolios that include alternative investments.

Endowment Wealth Management, Inc. is an independent Private Wealth Management Firm using a Multi-Client Family Office service model, whose mission is to grow wealth for individuals, families, retirement plans, endowments, foundations and other institutions through the utilization of the Endowment Investment Philosophy™.  EWM can construct index-based portfolios for investors based upon the Endowment Index™ asset allocation.

ETF Model Solutions, LLC, is third party investment manager and ETF strategist that builds investment models for 401(k) plans, Investment Advisors within their practice, Family Offices, Endowments, Foundations, Trusts, and Individual Investors.  The Firm is the fund manager for the Endowment Multi-Asset ETF Collective Investment Fund, available for use in 401(k) and other retirement plans.

Prateek Mehrotra, MBA, CFA®, CAIA®
920.785.6010 or

Disclosure:  You typically cannot invest directly in an index. Indexes do not contain fees.  Information presented is for educational purposes only and is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies, nor shall it be construed to be the provision of investment advice.  Investments involve risk and unless otherwise stated, are not insured or guaranteed. Be sure to consult with a qualified financial advisor and/or tax professional before implementing any investment strategies. While the firms are related and share corporate offices, Endowment Wealth Management, Inc. and ETF Model Solutions, LLC are each individually registered as an investment adviser in the State of Wisconsin. A copy of each firm’s respective disclosure document, Form ADV Brochure Part 2, is available upon request.

Link to Release

Key Findings from a recent Hedge Fund Industry Report as of September-2014

By Alternative Investments

Highlights from a recent hedge fund industry report:

  • 65% of hedge fund industry capital comes from institutional investors.
  • 4,600 institutional investors allocate capital to hedge funds.
  • Regional breakdown of allocators are as follows: 54% USA, 27% Europe, 7% Asia, 5% Middle East, 4% Canada, 3% ROW.
  • 87% of investors are maintaining or increasing their allocations to hedge funds in the next 12 months.
  • When asked what they’re looking for from hedge funds, 59% are seeking uncorrelated returns, 56% are seeking risk-adjusted returns, 46% seek reduced portfolio volatility, 7% are seeking high returns.
  • 84% of institutional investors feel return expectations have been met or exceeded in the past 12 months.
  • 80% of institutional investors believe portfolio risk would increase if they ceased investing in hedge funds.
  • When bench-marking performance, investors believe traditional benchmarks such as the S&P 500 are irrelevant, preferring to use strategy-specific hedge fund indices to measure performance.
  • Mean allocation to hedge funds by investor type: Endowment = 19%, Family Office = 20.3%, Foundation = 17.6%, Insurance Company = 2.3%, Private Sector Pension = 10.5%, Public Sector Pension = 7.7%, Sovereign Wealth = 7.0%.
  • Largest impediment to investing in hedge funds: difficult to source good funds was cited by 23% of institutional investors.
  • 67% of investors seek annualized returns of between 4% and 6%.
  • 3% seek returns of 10%, another 3% seek returns in excess of 10%.
  • 4% of investors plan to reduce their hedge fund exposure in the next 12 months whereas 19% believe they’ll increase and 68% suggested no change.
  • In Q3-2014, 179 new hedge funds launched, up 11% versus Q2-2014.

(Source: Prequin)

Federal Reserve ends it’s QE program today

By General

Fed made the following historic announcement today:

  • QE program would end at month end
  • Fed will keep reinvesting principal payments from its holdings to maintain its balance sheet at approx. $4.4 trillion
  • The QE program had met the Federal Reserve’s goal of reducing unemployment
  • Acknowledged that the labor market slack is “gradually diminishing”
  • Assured its support of low interest rates for a considerable period of time, unless the economic data improves faster than its forecast
  • Pointed to short-term downside risk to inflation
  • Future rate hikes will depend on the pace of improvement in the job market

Fed Balance Sheet

(Source: WSJ, Fed)


How To Invest Like The Ivy League Endowments with ETFs

By Alternative Investments, ETF Related

Seeking Alpha published an article by Prateek Mehrotra outlining how ETFs can help investors build institutional quality portfolios diversified into liquid alternative investments designed to improve long-term risk adjusted returns. The article summary

  • The country’s largest endowments aim to preserve capital while producing income and appreciation with less correlation to the stock market regardless of market conditions.
  • Performance among Ivy League endowments and retirement plans that invest like them varied widely last year but in the long run, they posted stellar risk-adjusted returns.
  • You can invest like an Ivy League endowment yourself with a basket of ETFs offering exposure to all of the major asset classes in their portfolios.

The entire article can be read on the Seeking Alpha website.

U.S. CPI under 2% and poised to cool off

By Inflation Watch

The Labor Department on Wednesday reported that its consumer-price index rose 0.1% in September from August, as did the core CPI, which excludes food and energy prices. That put both measures up just 1.7% from a year ago.

Credit Suisse estimates that as a result of falling gasoline prices, by the end of the first quarter the CPI will be up less than 1% versus year earlier, all else being equal.

One place there has been inflation is shelter costs, which is primarily rent and imputed rent—what people would pay if they rented the home they own. These were up 3% in September from a year earlier. Absent them, core prices rose a scant 0.9% year over year. Owners Equivalent Rent is the big gorilla in the inflation room. It accounts for 24% of the total CPI and 31% of the core. So why isn’t the accelerating OER rate pushing up the core? Because other factors are offsetting the upward push.

The biggest drag is the downward pressure on goods prices coming from overseas.

Policy makers and economy-watchers now seem more worried about disinflation rather than accelerating inflation. That wasn’t the expectation at the start of the year. In January, economists surveyed by The Wall Street Journal expected inflation–measured by the consumer price index–would end 2014 at a 2.3% annual rate, up from the 1.5% rate of 2013.

(Source: WSJ, BLS)