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Endowment Wealth Management™ in the News

By June 18, 2014July 9th, 2018No Comments

Robert Riedl Comments Included in article on Annuities

On Tuesday, June 17, 2014, Robert Riedl CPA®, CFP®, AWMA, Director of Wealth Management, at Endowment Wealth Management™, was featured in a article titled “Adviser Finds an Annuity’s Hidden Benefit,” written by Alex Coppola.

Robert is quoted telling the story of a retired couple who sought out his professional advice after losing 50% or over $120,000 in their tax-deferred, variable annuities during the financial crisis.

After time spent looking through the details of their situation and understanding the couple’s retirement needs, Robert was able to help them regain peace of mind over their finances by helping them better understand the terms of their contact so their decision would be based on facts rather than emotion.

At the end of the article Robert is quoted, leaving the reader with this advice:

“Always take a closer look before just surrender a poorly performing annuity. You could be walking away from a hidden windfall.”

The story related in the article helps underscore that clients don’t know what they don’t know in today’s complex financial marketplace. A trusted advisor that serves as an independent, fee-based, fiduciary like Robert and his team at Endowment Wealth Management™ can prove to be valuable to clients in an advisory relationship.

For more information or to set up a private, no-obligation wealth consultation, you can contact Rob directly at [email protected].

To read the full article: (may require a subscription with The Wall Street Journal)

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