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United States overtakes Russia in Oil & Gas production in 2013

By November 24, 2013No Comments

Thanks to fracking and shale oil production, the United States is becoming a leading producer of Oil and Gas in 2013, overtaking Russia. Some facts:

  • Average oil production in October 2013 was 7.8 mbpd, 19% higher than last year.
  • Rising crude supplies from North Dakota’s Bakken shale and Eagle Ford shale in Texas have helped the U.S. become the world’s largest exporter of refined fuels.
  • Per EIA, Texas pumped 2.575 mbpd in June-if Texas were its own country, it would rank 15th in the world in terms of oil production.
  • The U.S. met 87% of its energy needs in the first five months of 2013 and is on target to hit the highest annual rate since 1986.
  • Exports are surging from 1 mbpd in 2006 to 3 mbpd recently.
  • Imports are falling from a high of 14 mbpd in 2007 to under 10 mbpd recently. If you take out the re-export of refined products, the Net Imports have fallen even faster to 6 mbpd from 13 mbpd.

Can this declining U.S. net import of Oil and Gas have an impact on the U.S. dollar through its linkages to Current Account Deficits? Generally, a declining Current Account Deficit should be a tail wind for that country’s currency. Also, cheap and abundant natural gas in the U.S. is becoming a competitve advantage to begin bringing offshore production back onshore, which can further impact trade flows and deficits.

Can the once mighty U.S. dollar regain its footing again?