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Macro Overview-June 2014

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Domestic equity markets posted moderate gains in June, advancing on the strength of many areas of the economy. Even though the final estimate of first quarter gross domestic product (GDP) came in at -2.9% – the largest contraction since 2008 – most segments of the economy have  trended higher in the second quarter. The first quarter GDP data was adversely impacted by the severe winter weather. Employment gains in June were a very robust 288,000, far exceeding consensus expectations. Payrolls now exceed the peak reached prior to the onset of the financial crisis in 2008. The unemployment rate also dipped to 6.1%. In addition, vehicle sales reached the highest annualized level in June since 2006, and the housing market continued to recover after stalling somewhat the prior two quarters as a result of higher mortgage rates. Several geopolitical skirmishes continue to cause some concern among investors.

Within this landscape, stocks posted generally positive results. The S&P 500 rose +2.1% for the month, and has now gained +7.1% on a year-to-date basis. The Dow Jones Industrials gained +0.8%. The tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite Index posted a solid return of +4.0% as technology stocks continued to recover from losses early in the year. In a reversal of the previous few months, the Russell 2000 Index of small cap stocks outperformed the Russell 1000 Index of large cap stocks, with returns of +5.3% and +2.3%, respectively. Value stocks  fared slightly better than growth stocks during the month. In terms of sector performance, energy was the strongest performer on a relative basis, gaining +5.1%, while telecommunications services were the poorest performers, posting a decline of -1.1%.

International equity markets were also mostly higher in June, although performance was not quite as strong as in domestic U.S. markets. The MSCI World ex-U.S. Index gained +1.7% for the month. Emerging markets continued to stage a sharp recovery from  the losses in January, and outperformed developed markets for the month. Investors have digested the impact of the Federal Reserve’s (“Fed”) reduction in asset purchases, and the European Central Bank’s recent move to lower the deposit rate to -0.1% (meaning banks have to pay to keep funds on deposit rather than make loans) has provided stimulus. The MSCI Emerging Markets Index gained +2.7% for the month. The MSCI EAFE Index, which measures developed markets performance, gained+1.0% for the month. Regionally, Japan and Latin America were the best performers on a relative basis, with the MSCI Japan Index and the MSCI EM Latin America Index gaining +5.2% and +4.2%, respectively. Europe and the Pacific region ex-Japan were among the poorest performers, with results of -0.07% and +0.1%, respectively.

Fixed-income markets delivered mixed performance in June, after having posted solid returns for the first five months of the year. As has been its custom in every one of its meetings so far this year, the Fed continued its pace of tapering of its asset purchase program during the month, reducing purchases by an additional $10 billion. The Fed’s meeting minutes indicate that the governors believe the purchases will now end by October. With this as a backdrop, the benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury yield ended the month at 2.52%, up six basis points from the 2.46% level of May 31st. Broad-based fixed-income indices were little changed in June, with the Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index advancing a mere +0.05% for the month. Global fixed-income markets performed somewhat better, with the Barclays Global Aggregate ex-U.S. Index returning +1.2% for the month. Intermediate-term corporate bonds were modestly higher, as the Barclays U.S. Corporate 5-10 Year Index advanced +0.1%. The Barclays U.S. Corporate High Yield Index posted a gain of +0.8% for the month. Municipals were moderately higher, gaining +0.1%.

Endowment Wealth Management in the News

By News

Robert Riedl Quoted in Wall Street Journal Article about Saving for Retirement

On Tuesday, June 17, 2014, Robert Riedl CPA, CFP®, AWMA®, Director of Wealth Management, at Endowment Wealth Management™, was quoted in a article titled “5 Keys to a Successful Late-Start Retirement Plan,” written by Cliff Goldstein.

Robert is quoted responding to the problem many Americans face today; nearing retirement with little to no money set aside for life after work. Approximately 60% of Americans surveyed reported having less than $25,000 set aside for after retirement. Robert Riedl responded to this dilemma by saying to “start building a diversified global portfolio using low-cost ETF models” to make current investments more cost-efficient.

Choosing lower-cost investments when trying to save money while nearing retirement can be a step in the direction of a more financially secure future. At Endowment Wealth Management, we take time to understand our client’s needs to help them incorporate investments that are cost-efficient and structured in a way that is understandable according to their goals.

You can contact Rob directly with questions or comments at or call 920-785-6011.

To read the full article: (may require a subscription with The Wall Street Journal)

Information presented is for educational purposes only and is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies, nor shall it be construed to be the provision of investment advice.  Investments involve risk and unless otherwise stated, are not insured or guaranteed.  Be sure to consult with a qualified financial advisor and/or tax professional before implementing any investment strategies discussed herein.  While the firms are related and share corporate offices, Endowment Wealth Management, Inc. and ETF Model Solutions, LLC are each individually registered as an investment adviser in the State of Wisconsin.   A copy of Endowment Wealth Management’s  disclosure document, Form ADV Brochure Part 2, is available upon request.

Alternative Investments: A Mystery to Many Affluent Investors

By Alternative Investments

An article from titled Many Affluent Investors ‘Have No Idea’ What Alt Investments Mean: Survey, by Melanie Waddell, details results of a recent survey that indicates many investors, despite having an advisor, find themselves unaware of what alternative investments are and whether they are utilizing any.

The survey included investors from the ages of 35-65 with at least $200,000 in investable assets. This target group makes the statistics even more startling because they show that alternative investments are not understood by people likely to incorporate them in their portfolio.

This isn’t surprising news to us. At Endowment Wealth Management, we are committed to understanding our clients’ needs and then help educating them on proper asset allocations to achieve a globally diversified endowment portfolio.

We have built our entire firm on helping clients to better understand their investments.  It starts with our name… Endowment Wealth Management.  We named the firm after our investment philosophy.  The Endowment Investment Philosophy® (EIP) combines three major asset allocations into every client portfolio: Global Equity, Global Income, and Alternative investments.  When combined with our straight talk, using terms that our clients can understand, rather than financial jargon people don’t fully understand, we see their level of engagement rise. For instance, when describing the three asset class buckets that comprise their portfolio, we use a football analogy Equity (offense), Fixed Income (defense) and Alternatives (special teams).  We also designed notepads, which are watermarked with a graphical representation of the 3 dimensional EIP showing how a portfolio will be structured. During our meetings, we use those sheets to breakdown client’s portfolio of traditional and alternative investments according to their goals.  At the end of the meeting, they tear off the note sheet as their primary take-away from the meeting because that’s how they understand the importance of including alternative investments in their portfolio.  People hire us, not just for our professional expertise, but because they also understand our team, our investment philosophy, and where they are going.

If you have an investing question or would like assistance when constructing an endowment portfolio and the importance of using alternative investment allocations, please call our office at 920.785.6010 or contact Rob directly at to set up a private, no-obligation wealth consultation.

By Robert Riedl CPA®, CFP®, AWMA

To read Many Affluent Investors ‘Have No Idea’ What Alt Investments Mean: Survey:

Information presented is for educational purposes only and is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies, nor shall it be construed to be the provision of investment advice.  Investments involve risk and unless otherwise stated, are not insured or guaranteed.  Be sure to consult with a qualified financial advisor and/or tax professional before implementing any investment strategies discussed herein.  While the firms are related and share corporate offices, Endowment Wealth Management, Inc. and ETF Model Solutions, LLC are each individually registered as an investment adviser in the State of Wisconsin.   A copy of Endowment Wealth Management’s disclosure      document, Form ADV Brochure Part 2, is available upon request. 

Endowment Wealth Management™ in the News

By News

Robert Riedl Comments Included in article on Annuities

On Tuesday, June 17, 2014, Robert Riedl CPA®, CFP®, AWMA, Director of Wealth Management, at Endowment Wealth Management™, was featured in a article titled “Adviser Finds an Annuity’s Hidden Benefit,” written by Alex Coppola.

Robert is quoted telling the story of a retired couple who sought out his professional advice after losing 50% or over $120,000 in their tax-deferred, variable annuities during the financial crisis.

After time spent looking through the details of their situation and understanding the couple’s retirement needs, Robert was able to help them regain peace of mind over their finances by helping them better understand the terms of their contact so their decision would be based on facts rather than emotion.

At the end of the article Robert is quoted, leaving the reader with this advice:

“Always take a closer look before just surrender a poorly performing annuity. You could be walking away from a hidden windfall.”

The story related in the article helps underscore that clients don’t know what they don’t know in today’s complex financial marketplace. A trusted advisor that serves as an independent, fee-based, fiduciary like Robert and his team at Endowment Wealth Management™ can prove to be valuable to clients in an advisory relationship.

For more information or to set up a private, no-obligation wealth consultation, you can contact Rob directly at

To read the full article: (may require a subscription with The Wall Street Journal)

Information presented is for educational purposes only and is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies, nor shall it be construed to be the provision of investment advice.  Investments involve risk and unless otherwise stated, are not insured or guaranteed.  Be sure to consult with a qualified financial advisor and/or tax professional before implementing any investment strategies discussed herein.  While the firms are related and share corporate offices, Endowment Wealth Management, Inc. and ETF Model Solutions, LLC are each individually registered as an investment adviser in the State of Wisconsin.   A copy of Endowment Wealth Management’s  disclosure      document, Form ADV Brochure Part 2, is available upon request.

Endowment Wealth Management in the News

By MoneyTips

Robert Riedl Comments on Decision-Making to Simplify Debt Reduction for Retirement

On Tuesday, June 10, 2014, Robert Riedl CPA®, CFP®, AWMA®, Director of Wealth Management, at Endowment Wealth ManagementTM, was quoted in a article written by Cliff Goldstein.

Robert commented on the lifestyle decisions that impact the process of investing and what decisions can aid in decreasing the weight of debt while preparing for and living in retirement.

Rob’s contribution to the article included in the following paragraphs:

While much has been written about the impact of human behavior on the process of investing,    emotions drive our spending habits as well. Robert Riedl, a wealth manager in Milwaukee, believes it’s a discussion well worth having—on a regular basis.

“It seems most debt options are lifestyle decisions which need to be revisited,” Riedl says. “Do I need the multiple vacation properties, cars and boats, or can I simplify my life and sell off some underutilized assets and reduce my debts? Identify your long-term needs versus wants, and determine what can you afford to maintain and will use in the future. Sell the assets that are too  expensive to maintain and underutilized to reduce your retirement debt burden—and enjoy the rest.”

For more information or to set up a private, no-obligation wealth consultation, you can contact Rob directly at

To read the full article:

Information presented is for educational purposes only and is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies, nor shall it be construed to be the provision of investment advice.  Investments involve risk and unless otherwise stated, are not insured or guaranteed.  Be sure to consult with a qualified financial advisor and/or tax professional before implementing any investment strategies discussed herein.  While the firms are related and share corporate offices, Endowment Wealth Management, Inc. and ETF Model Solutions, LLC are each individually registered as an investment adviser in the State of Wisconsin.   A copy of Endowment Wealth Management’s  disclosure      document, Form ADV Brochure Part 2, is available upon request.



EWM Number of the day: 6/4/2014

EWM Number of the day

EWM Number of the day: 6/2/2014

Bull and Bear Market Durations

By Uncategorized

Bull & Bear Market Durations


The above graph shows the bull and bear market durations. The bull market that ended with the financial crisis lasted 61 months, according to Morningstar’s chart, but the two prior runs were 153 months and 155 months long. In other words, stocks were in an uptrend for more than 12 years.

The chart also shows that bear markets are relatively quick, with the last two lasting 16 months and 25 months, respectively.

(Source: Morningstar)