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Radio Podcast: Family Office Services Support A Family’s Mission To Preserve Wealth, Legacy and Values

By Family Office

On June 22, 2015, Prateek Mehrotra, MBA, CFA®, CAIA®, Chief Investment Officer, and Wendy Orth, Investment Adviser Representative of Endowment Wealth Management join “Money Matters with Christopher Hensley” radio show. In an informative 30-minute interview, Prateek and Wendy provide an informative interactive discussion that describe the multitude services that a family or multi-family office is designed to support your family’s wealth and legacy within the family’s value system.

Money Matters












This 30-minute podcast provides an informative discussion that covers the services, organization, purpose, mission and support that a family office or multi-family office provides to its client.  Prateek and Wendy join the show at the 5:30 mark on the podcast.

A traditional family office is a business run by and for a single family. Its sole function is to centralize the management of a significant family fortune. Typically, these organizations employ staff to manage investments, taxes, philanthropic activities, trusts, and legal matters. The purpose of the family office is to effectively transfer established wealth across generations. The family office invests the family’s money, manages all of the family’s assets, and disburses payments to family members as required.  The family office structure takes into account nurturing the human capital within the family along with their financial wealth with a multi generational perspective.

The Family Office itself either is, or operates just like, a corporation (often, a limited liability company, or LLC), with a president, CFO, CIO, etc. and a support staff. The officers are compensated per their arrangement with the family, usually with overrides based on the profits or capital gains generated by the office. Often, family offices are built around core assets that are professionally managed.


Largest University Endowments Afford Their Schools Competitive Advantage

By General

A recent article by CNBC economics reporter John W. Schoen provides an in-depth look into reasons behind the rising cost of higher education in the U.S. It’s a complicated issue, with many moving parts. The after-effects of the 2008 recession, expanding student services, required budgetary expansion in state budgets, such as pensions, healthcare and Medicaid, and other issues have forced schools to increase the student tuition costs.

The improved economy and recovering markets have helped private institutions repair the losses to their endowments caused by the Great Recession.  However, the wealthiest schools with the largest endowments are more successful in fund raising and are receiving an increasingly greater share of donations.The top 40 richest schools received nearly 60 percent of all gift revenue last year, according to Moody’s. Comparatively, most schools have far less money to help subsidize the cost of higher education. The median endowment size for the largest 50 schools is $3.5 billion, while the median college endowment for the entire endowment universe was just $113 million.

That leaves schools with smaller endowments at a disadvantage competing for the best and brightest applicants. For example, at wealthier schools, the share of tuition paid by students is about 15 percent, while the average share of tuition paid for at all private colleges is 75%.

The entire article can be read at:

Average holding time for companies sold in 2015 is 5.5 years, Preqin reports

By Alternative Investments

Highlights from the report:

  • In 2014, the average holding period peaked at 5.9 years for companies exited.
  • Last year, 1,686 exits valued at a total of $442 billion took place, indicating that general partners were still capitalizing on suitable exit opportunities for their investments.
  • The lowest average holding period was 4.1 years for deals sold in 2008.
  • European companies sold this year had the longest average holding period, 5.7 years, compared with 5.3 years for North America companies sold in 2015.
  • Since 2006, energy and utilities companies have had the shortest average holding period, 4.3 years, while companies in the industrial sector and consumer and retail had the longest one, 5.3 years.
  • Deals of $1 billion or more underwent the biggest change in average holding periods since 2006, from a low of three years in 2008 to a high of seven years in 2014.
  • Average holding periods for deals in the $250 million-to-$999 million range increased from 3.2 years in 2006 to 6.4 years for portfolio companies fully exited in 2014, and for deals of less than $250 million, it increased from 3.5 years in 2008 to 5.8 years in 2014.

Source: Prequin

EWM Monthly Commentary: Spring Seeds of Hope

By Uncategorized

After a long and difficult winter, many investors are wondering whether the Spring thaw will bring with it enough sustenance to reinvigorate the economy. First quarter data was less than upbeat, and despite a modestly positive start to April, several questions remain:

  1. Has oil reached a bottom?
  2. Does the US dollar have enough support to continue its upward trajectory?
  3. Has the Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) planted enough seeds for domestic growth?

Oil prices continue to weigh heavily on the stock market, as the price for a barrel of crude has precipitously fallen from a peak of $98 in September 2014 to $56 as of yesterday’s close. It dipped as low as $45 dollars a barrel in March but has rebounded back in recent weeks, supported by a strengthening in fundamentals and a tightening in supply.Global quantitative easing along with impending interest rates hikes have buoyed U.S. dollar strength.

The 10 year yield fell to 1.9% yesterday (4/16/15), hovering near all-time historical lows. Prior to 2011, the last time the 10 year yield was under 2% was February 23, 1951. Since that time, it has fluctuated regularly between 1.43% and 3.75%, falling below 2% on 357 of 1,073 trading days over the past four years.

As the Fed lays the groundwork for raising rates, it will have to consider when and at what pace. Although Janet Yellen did not rule out a June hike in the March meeting, the consensus handily favors September. Inflation is expected to remain low, and job growth slowed in March— driven in part by cuts in the energy sector which has historically been a key driver in non-farm job creation. Nonetheless, unemployment remains relatively stable at 5.5%, and the first quarter marked twelve consecutive months of job gains in excess of 200,000—the longest streak in nearly two decades.

So the big question is, does the recovery have legs, or will the engine stall? The signals are mixed. Following Wednesday’s disappointing industrial production numbers, estimates of real GDP growth fell to as low as 0.1% according to Atlanta Federal Reserve’s new GDPNow1 indicator; this comes in sharp contrast to GDP growth of 2.2% in Q414. Industrial production has been on the decline for the past three months, and March’s decline of 0.6% marked the largest decrease since 2012. A strong U.S. dollar is crippling exports, and weak oil prices have encumbered the operations of energy stalwarts.

On the positive side, consumer spending remains high, and housing starts are on the rise. Residential housing rebounded last month, although by less than expected.  The stock market is showing areas of opportunity, particularly in small- and mid-cap, with healthcare demonstrating solid gains.  It is worthwhile to note that at this juncture last year, Q1 2014 GDP also contracted, but the economy quickly recovered making positive strides for the rest of 2014. Although first quarter growth may similarly stall, the long term picture should remain robust, as we decelerate from an above trend environment to one of more moderate growth.

1 – The growth rate of real gross domestic product (GDP) is a key indicator of economic activity, but the official estimate is released with a delay. The GDPNow forecasting model provides a “nowcast” of the official estimate prior to its release.


Retirement Plan Excessive Fee Lawsuit Reaches Supreme Court

By Retirement

The ongoing litigation in Tibble vs. Edison reached the Supreme Court recently in a dispute over the high cost of retail mutual fund share classes in 401(k) plan when lower cost institutional share classes were available.  The defendants argue that the statute of limitations alleging the fiduciary breach had expired.

The case serves as a reminder that Plan fiduciaries should review plan investments each year to see if there are changes and if they are appropriate for the plan.


The Rise of the Dollar Impact on Equity Markets

By Uncategorized

Despite Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen removing the word “patient” from the latest Fed statement, the Fed continues to signal to the market that they are in no hurry to raise rates.  That said, the market has already priced in a strengthening U.S. dollar (USD) over the past year and market participants assume that the Fed will be the first major central bank to begin raising interest rates. The Fed stopped their bond purchase program in October as other central banks have continued further strengthening the dollar.  As noted in last week’s commentary, the European Central Bank (ECB) initiated their quantitative easing program while other central banks continue with loose monetary policy hoping to stimulate economic activity.  The impact of divergent central bank policies (U.S. versus other developed countries) has already been felt by financial markets and many believe this will continue as the market determines new currency equilibrium which will impact investors in almost every asset class.

The most immediate impact of divergent central bank policy has been on the USD which has appreciated by almost 25% over the past year when using the U.S. Dollar Index which measures the USD against a basket of six foreign currencies1. U.S. investors with exposure to non-hedged foreign assets have noticed their international returns remain lackluster when compared to local currency returns.  In both European and Japanese equity markets, the differences between local currency and USD returns were over 10% last year. This year, in Europe, it is around another 10%.  Despite what appears to be a pause in the continued strengthening of the dollar this week, many market participants believe the dollar will continue to strengthen at least until parity with the Euro.

While the declining dollar has hurt USD denominated investors in foreign assets, the impact on international equity markets when using local currencies has been strong.  The Japanese Nikkei is at a 15 year high, and the UK FTSE 100 and the German DAX are nearing all-time highs. One major contributing factor to this is that all three nations rely on exports in order to sustain economic growth, and a declining currency when compared to the USD helps those exporters competitively price their goods. In addition, we noticed that a large depreciation in a currency can result in a short-term windfall for exporting companies since earnings in local currency will be inflated as revenue increases due to currency depreciation; however, cost, if in the local currency, will remain fixed. Lastly, as some international and emerging market firms have issued debt in USD, their financing costs have increased dramatically. All of these factors could create opportunities within international equity markets as investors will try to determine who will benefit or be hurt by recent currency movements.

For U.S. companies, the impact of a strengthening dollar will also be mixed. Those U.S. companies that rely on exports should see their revenue drop as they will have to lower prices to remain more competitive. Large-cap stocks, which generate a significant portion of their revenue from overseas, will most likely be punished the most in a strengthening dollar environment.  That said, U.S. companies that rely on foreign imports from the developing world as part of their input costs will be able to benefit as their costs decrease. Again, investors will need to determine who will benefit most in a strengthening dollar environment.

In conclusion, the impact of the strengthening dollar will ripple across other markets including the equity markets. As many spoke of a new normal given the massive and unprecedented loose central bank policy that has taken place, the impact of these moves continue to be felt by investors.


1 Majority of this basket is against the Euro which has declined by more than 20% versus the USD on year over year basis.

The European Central Bank Begins Buying Bonds

By Uncategorized

On Monday, the European Central Bank (ECB) kicked off its widely anticipated quantitative easing program of bond buying. The goal of this program is to help fulfill the ECB’s price stability mandate and to stimulate Europe’s economy, which has been experiencing low growth, low inflation, and high unemployment.  This program, which had been announced by ECB President Mario Draghi in January, is focused on buying sovereign bonds of euro area central governments. The ECB has said that it expects to increase its bond purchases to a €60 billion euro level  each month through at least September of 2016 (buying at least €1.1 trillion worth of bonds along the way). With that, bond buying is expected to continue until the ECB sees inflation move towards its medium-term goal of 2%.  The rationale behind the bond buying is that this will further ease monetary conditions in Europe allowing  firms and households better access to cheaper financing. In addition, such a move is expected to devalue the euro providing European exporters more competitive pricing in foreign markets. This is expected to help support investment and consumption which will ultimately lead to the return of inflation rates closer to 2% along with a healthier economy. For their part, the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) cites that the ECB has raised its forecast for economic growth in 2015 to 1.5%, from 1% in December.

The impact of the European quantitative easing was felt immediately during the week as new bond buying has further driven up bond prices and correspondingly lowered yields even more. One of the surprises in the ECB statement is that the bond buying wouldn’t be limited to just the front end of the yield curve, but all maturities would be eligible.  This had the effect of pushing down short, intermediate and long term rates across the Eurozone. With that, the yields on the sovereign debt of Germany, France, Italy, and Belgium have recently hit all-time lows. According to Bloomberg, Germany’s 10-year Bund was down about 17 basis points and was yielding a meager 0.23% earlier this week. Meanwhile, Italy’s 10-year sovereign debt was offering a 1.21% yield. These yields are significantly below that of the 10-year U.S. Treasury yield, which had recently been at 2.13%. Furthermore, many shorter duration European bonds have actually been offering negative yields. German 2-year Bunds were at -0.24%, while their 5-year counterparts were at -0.13%. There have also been impacts on some non-European Union countries as Swiss 10-year sovereign debt was recently trading at -0.14%. All in, according to the Wall Street Journal, Morgan Stanley estimates that approximately $1.5 trillion in global sovereign and corporate debt trade at negative yields.

With that, investor funds have been flowing into riskier assets that have potential for higher yields and/or returns. Bank of America Merrill Lynch cites that roughly $1.8 billion has been added to emerging market debt funds during late February and early March. Others note that European stocks may also continue to benefit from ultra-low interest rates. With that, the Stoxx Europe 600 Index has been up about 15% this year. Frankfurt’s DAX was up even more, at 18% year-to-date. However, the strong U.S. dollar has given U.S.-based investor returns a haircut and global bond index returns have been negative for U.S. investors this year.

Finally, the quantitative easing (along with other developments such as the potential for Greece’s exit from the Eurozone) has helped move the Euro’s value down significantly and Reuters is now reporting it is at a 12-year low versus the U.S. dollar, having dropped another 12% this year after previous declines in 2014. The Euro has been moving nearer to trading at parity with the greenback ($1.06) this week and some believe that parity may be hit (or the Euro even drops below $1.00) as the European Central Bank’s €60 billion in monthly purchases gets under way, though currency moves are generally difficult to forecast. The euro is also trading at low levels against other currencies as well, as it fell to a seven-year low versus England’s Pound and an 18-month low versus the Japanese Yen. Finally, the U.S. dollar has risen very quickly and significantly versus a broad basket of currencies around the globe due to a flight to quality and as investors search for more compelling yields as the U.S. Fed weighs the prospects of actually raising interest rates.

IRS Releases List of Possible Tax Scams to Watch Out for in 2015

By General

Recently we have had several conversations with clients telling us about receiving strange telephone calls from the IRS telling them they owed taxes and needed to send money ASAP.  They called to ask our opinion. Basically these calls are all scams!  The IRS only corresponds in writing with taxpayers and does so using the US Postal Service not FedEx or etc.  Here is a three minute video link below which you should watch because it also outlines this IRS call and a variety of other tax scams that are currently being used that you need to be aware of:


Endowment Index™ Named A Finalist for Index of the Year for 2014 by

By News

March 11, 2015 08:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time

APPLETON, Wis.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The Endowment Index™ (symbol: ENDOW) calculated by Nasdaq OMX®, has been honored as a finalist for “Index of the Year” by for 2014. The rules-based Endowment Index™ tracks the performance of the average university and college endowment portfolio. The Index represents the investable opportunity for managers of portfolios that utilize the Endowment Investment Philosophy® by incorporating alternative investments within their asset allocations. The Endowment Index™ was co-created by ETF Model Solutions LLC and its affiliate, Endowment Wealth Management, Inc.’s Index of the Year is awarded to the index that has done the most to provide new ways of considering investment strategies, opportunities or ideas. The five finalists were selected from approximately 50 nominees. The other Index of the Year finalists are: Bloomberg Dollar Index, EMQQ Index, MSCI ACWI Low Carbon Target Indexes and the S&P 500 Index. The winner will be announced at an awards dinner, which takes place March 19 in New York City.

Matt Hougan, President of commented: “The Awards aim to recognize the firms that are driving the ETF business forward and creating better outcomes for investors. The Endowment Index™ certainly meets that definition, offering a standardized benchmark that incorporates equity, fixed income and alternatives exposure into a coherent whole. I’m pleased to see them nominated for our Index of the Year award. They are certainly one of the more intriguing, innovative and important new indexes out there.” Founded in 2001, (formerly IndexUniverse) offers investors trusted insights through its leading publications, events, analysis and data.

ETF Model Solutions, LLC designs ETF-based investment solutions for advisers, institutions, retirement plans and individual investors based upon the Endowment Investment Philosophy®. The firm is the investment manager for the Endowment Multi Asset ETF Collective Investment Fund, a Collective Investment Trust (CUSIP 26923F105) available for use in 401(k) Plans.

Info: or

Disclosure: You cannot invest directly in an index. Indexes do not have fees. Award recognition does not qualify as an endorsement of any particular index, investment, or investment strategy. ETF Model Solutions, LLC does not make any solicitation payments to award sponsors in order to be nominated or to qualify for nomination of an award.


ETF Model Solutions, LLC
Tim Landolt, Managing Director