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Euro Zone’s Deflationary Problems

By Inflation Watch

Is the Euro Zone dealing with the same deflationary issues that the Fed was grappling with a few years ago?

With the drop in headline euro-zone inflation to 0.3% in August from 0.4% in July, calls for further ECB action—including large purchases of sovereign bonds—are getting louder. Clearly, inflation is far adrift of the ECB’s target of “below, but close to” 2%.

But once again, virtually all of the decline is due to volatile prices for energy, food, alcohol and tobacco. Excluding those, euro-zone inflation rose to 0.9% from 0.8%. Of the decline in headline inflation from 1.3% a year ago, nearly 90% is attributable to moves in energy and food prices.

With core inflation stable, it is hard to see deflation as a threat, even if market-based measures of inflation expectations have proved wobbly recently. More relevant in any case is the attitude of consumers and entrepreneurs to inflation. If lower food and energy prices are proving a cushion for stretched individuals and businesses, then that may be no bad thing. But the longer low inflation persists, the more it may become a problem if, for instance, it starts to drive wage settlements.

(Source: WSJ)

EWM Number of the Day: 8/26/2014

S&P 500 Index closes above 2000 for the first time

By Endowment Index™, General

Tuesday’s finish was the 30th record close this year for the index, which has gained 8.2% in 2014 through the end of trade on Tuesday. The Dow industrials hit an intraday record of 17153.80 on Tuesday but failed to hold a record through the close.

It took 16 years for the S&P to gain 1000 points since breaking through 1000 for the first time in 1998. The stocks in the S&P 500 were trading at 23.1 times their expected 12-month earnings as of March 31, 1998, according to FactSet. As of Friday, the S&P was trading at a price/earnings ratio of 15.5, compared with the 10-year average of 13.9.Back in March 1998, General Electric Co. was the largest company in the index by market value, and it had a forward price-to-earnings ratio of 30.9, according to FactSet. That ratio was 14.8 as of Friday.The biggest stock in the S&P 500 today is Apple Inc., which had a forward P/E ratio of 14.7 as of Friday’s close.

The rally through 2000 marks the S&P’s third major upswing since the late 1990s. The index first breached the 1000 mark on Feb. 2, 1998, and ran as high as 1527 in March of 2000 only to break back below 1000 briefly in September of 2001 and again in June of 2002. The post tech-bubble bull market, which saw the S&P push above 1560 in October 2007, was halted by the onset of the financial crisis. That bear market knocked the index down through 1000 in October 2008 to a multi-year closing low of 676.53 on March 9, 2009.

With the latest milestone in the rear-view mirror, some investors are wondering how much further stocks can go.

(Source: WSJ)


Five Reasons Endowments Must Stick With Their Long-Term Investing Strategy Despite Recent Underperformance – Prateek Mehrotra

By News

The portfolio managers atop the country’s most respected university endowments failed to make the honor roll during the current bull market despite their top salaries and genius IQs. Harvard University’s $32.7 billion endowment returned an average of 10.5% annually over the past three years through June 2013 versus 18.45% for the S&P 500, including dividends, over that same period, the Wall Street Journal reported. Yale University’s $21 billion juggernaut gained 12.8% annually over the same period.

Underperformance this market cycle is hardly a reason for endowment managers to be ashamed. All investment strategies experience bouts of underperformance. Looking back 10 and 20 years, endowments outperformed the stock market with a lot less volatility. Endowments failed to live up to expectations this bull market cycle because they’re thin on equities and heavy on alternative assets, which lagged the stock market the past five years. For example, the Yale Endowment has only 11% of assets invested in foreign markets and 6% in domestic stocks. About half of Yale’s portfolio is invested in alternative or illiquid assets such as hedge funds, private equity, venture capital, real estate, timber, oil and gas.

“Less liquid markets exhibit more inefficiencies than their liquid counterparts, illiquid markets create opportunities for astute investors to identify mispricings and generate outsized returns,” the Yale Endowment 2013 report stated. “Intelligent pursuit of illiquidity is well suited to endowments, which operate with extremely long time horizons.”

To read the full article and the 5 reasons why endowments must stick with their long term investing strategy, follow this link.

Smart Contact Lenses Monitor Blood-Glucose Levels

By General

Novartis and Google are working together to develop a smart contact lens designed to monitor blood-glucose levels while also correcting vision. Currently individuals have to rely on a finger prick test to monitor blood-glucose levels. The smart lens method is more accurate and less invasive. The lens is equipped with a tiny sensor that will analyze the amount of glucose in tears and then relay this information through an antenna. It also has the ability to wirelessly transmit the information to an app on a mobile device. Tears also contain a biomarker, lacryglobin, for breast, colon, lung, prostate, and ovarian cancers. Measuring the lacryglobin levels could help to monitor patients in remission. Ultimately, this type of technology could help individuals better manage their own health and prevent disease through early detection.

(Source: WSJ)

New Collective Investment Fund Brings Endowment Investment Philosophy™/Liquid Alternatives to Defined Contribution Plans

By News

APPLETON, WIS. — Alta Trust Company has partnered with ETF Model Solutions, LLC. to launch the Endowment Collective Fund (CUSIP: 26923F105). The Endowment Collective Investment Fund (CIF) seeks to improve risk-adjusted returns of traditional two-dimensional portfolios of stocks and bonds by adding alternative investments, such as private equity, hedge strategies and real assets to create a 3-dimensional portfolio. ™

Managers of university endowments, pension, and defined benefit plans have historically utilized lower-correlated alternative investments to improve the risk-adjusted returns of their portfolios. ETF Model Solutions, through the Endowment CIF, now brings the Endowment Investment Philosophy™ to the defined contribution plan space. However, rather than private placements or limited partnerships, the Fund uses liquid alternative investments, such as exchange-traded funds and mutual funds to obtain its alternative asset allocations.

ETF Model Solutions believes that the 3-dimensional Endowment CIF offers 4 major benefits when compared to most target date or balanced funds: (1) added protection for the Plan Sponsor, as both the trustee and the manager of the CIF serve in a fiduciary capacity; (2) reduced portfolio volatility than portfolios with greater equity allocations due to its hedge strategy holdings; (3) protection from inflation due a greater allocation to real assets, such as commodities, precious metals, real estate and infrastructure investments; and, (4) lower interest rate risk due to a smaller allocation to fixed income investments.

The Endowment CIF utilizes a core-satellite portfolio construction with low-cost, cap-weighted equity and fixed income ETFs comprising the core allocation of the asset class, with fundamentally-weighted funds utilized in an attempt to gain alpha. The strategically-managed Endowment CIF is presently targeted to an allocation of 40% global equity, 20% global fixed income and 40% liquid alternative investments.

Alta Trust maintains selling agreements with most major retirement plan platforms, thus plan advisors can offer the Endowment CIF to their Plan Sponsor clients through their existing platform relationships. Plan Sponsors can add the Endowment CIF to their retirement plans through a simple participation agreement, while maintaining their current investment options as well as their existing advisor/TPA/recordkeeping relationships.

CIFs are pooled investment funds available only to qualified retirement plans such as defined contribution 401(k) and defined benefit plans and are regulated by state and federal organizations, such as the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. CIFs are priced daily through the NSCC, just like mutual funds.

ETF Model Solutions, LLC. (Fund Investment Manager) is a Third Party ETF Strategist that specializes in creating customizable ETF-based asset allocation models. ETF Model Solutions is co-creator of the Endowment Index™ calculated by Nasdaq OMX® (Symbol: ENDOW).

Alta Trust (Fund Trustee) is an innovative financial services firm that acts as trustee for collective investment funds which feature unique money managers. The professionals at Alta Trust have been working with qualified plans for over three decades and provide daily oversight of all fund trading activity and accounting, as well as annual auditing of the fund to assure accurate and reliable account balances.


Alta Trust Company is a South Dakota chartered trust company that acts as trustee of the Funds. Collective Investment Funds are bank maintained trust funds and are not registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Declaration of Trust for the Trust describes the procedures for admission to and withdrawal from a Fund. The Declaration of Trust and the Fund’s Employee Benefit Summary should be read in conjunction with this information. The information contained in this communication is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide legal or tax advice. Before investing in any Fund, Alta Trust recommends that potential investors consider the Fund’s investment objective, strategies, risks and expenses. We recommend that investors consult with their financial, legal and tax advisers prior to investment in any fund. Potential investors in any Fund may obtain a copy of the Employee Benefit Summary from the plan sponsor or from Alta Trust or ETF Model Solutions, LLC.


Not FDIC Insured May Lose Value No Bank Guarantee


Investor Alert: 10 Red Flags That an Unregistered Offering May Be a Scam

By General

Aug. 4, 2014

The SEC’s Office of Investor Education and Advocacy is issuing this Investor Alert to help investors identify potentially fraudulent unregistered offerings.

Under the federal securities laws, a company may not offer or sell securities unless the offering has been registered with the SEC or an exemption to registration is available.  If the offering is not registered, it is often called a private placement or unregistered offering. Generally speaking, unregistered offerings are not subject to some of the laws and regulations that are designed to protect investors, such as disclosure requirements that apply to registered offerings.  Many companies engage in legitimate unregistered offerings to raise funds from investors.  Fraudsters, however, may also use unregistered offerings to conduct investment scams.

If you are presented with an opportunity to invest in an unregistered offering, in addition to thoroughly researching an investment—and the investment professional selling it—you should be on the lookout for these common signs of potential fraud when you are thinking about investing in an unregistered offering.

  1. Claims of High Returns with Little or No Risk

Promises of high returns, with little or no risk, are classic warning signs of fraud. Every investment carries some degree of risk, and the potential for greater returns comes with greater risk.  You should be skeptical of any investment that is said to have no risks.

  1. Unregistered Investment Professionals

Unregistered persons who sell securities perpetrate many of the securities frauds that target retail investors.  Always check whether the person offering to sell you an investment is registered and properly licensed, even if you know him or her personally.  An investment professional’s registration, background and qualifications are available through the Investment Adviser Public Disclosure website and FINRA’sBrokerCheck.

  1. Aggressive Sales Tactics

Scam artists often pitch an investment as a “once-in-a-lifetime” offer to create a false sense of urgency.  Resist the pressure to invest quickly and take the time you need to investigate thoroughly before sending money or signing any agreements.  Any reputable investment professional or promoter will let investors take their time to do research and will not pressure for an immediate decision.

  1. Problems with Sales Documents

Avoid an investment if the salesperson will not provide you with anything in writing.  A legitimate private offering will usually be described in a private placement memorandum, orPPM.  Similarly, sloppy offering documents that contain typographical, spelling, or other errors can be a red flag that the investment could be a scam.

  1. No Net Worth or Income Requirements 

The federal securities laws limit many private securities offerings to accredited investors.  Be highly suspicious of anyone who offers you private investment opportunities without asking about your net worth or income.

Accredited investor.  An individual is considered an accredited investor, if he or she:

  • earned income that exceeded $200,000 (or $300,000 together with a spouse) in each of the prior two years, and reasonably expects the same for the current year, OR
  • has a net worth over $1 million, either alone or together with a spouse (excluding the value of the person’s primary residence or any loans secured by the residence (up to the value of the residence)).
  1. No One Else Seems to be Involved 

Be cautious if no one besides the salesperson appears to be involved in the deal. Usually, brokerage firms, accountants, law firms, or other third parties are involved in a private offering.  Similarly, be cautious if you are told not to contact someone who is supposedly involved with the investment.

  1. Sham or Virtual Offices 

A company may establish a mailing address within a state in which it has no legitimate operations in a fraudulent attempt to qualify for an exemption from registration.  If the company’s corporate address is a mail drop and you are unable to verify that the company has any actual operating presence (such as a headquarters building, plant or other physical operations) within the same state, be wary.

  1. Not in Good Standing

Any company, including limited liability companies and limited partnerships, seeking your investment should be listed as active or in good standing in the state where it was incorporated or formed.  Every company must file and pay annual taxes in order to maintain its good standing.  Each state, usually under the offices of its Secretary of State, maintains a publicly accessible online database of its companies.  You should be wary if the company you are being asked to invest in can’t be found in the records of the state it claims to have been formed in or if it’s not listed as active or in good standing.

  1. Unsolicited Investment Offers

You should be very careful when you receive an unsolicited – meaning you did not ask for it – investment offer.  Whether from a total stranger or from a friend, trusted co-worker, or even family member, always consider the motivation of the person offering the investment.  Fraudsters often exploit the trust and friendship that exist in groups of people who have something in common, sometimes called affinity fraud.  You should be especially suspicious if you are told to keep the investment opportunity confidential or a secret.

  1.  Suspicious or Unverifiable Biographies of Managers or Promoters

To appear legitimate, fraudsters may represent that they have had a successful career in the relevant industry when nothing could be further from the truth.  Don’t just take the promoter’s word on his or her background.  Try to independently verify any claims, including by asking for references or conducting a simple Internet search.  On the other hand, even if the promoter is truthful about his or her background, if the promoter appears to lack relevant experience, consider this a red flag as well.

What You Can Do to Help Protect Yourself

  • Check the background of the investment professional.

Checking the background of an investment professional is easy and free.  Details on an investment professional’s background, qualifications and disciplinary record, if any, are available through the Investment Adviser Public Disclosure website and FINRA’sBrokerCheck.  If you have any questions on checking the background of an investment professional, call the SEC’s toll-free investor assistance line at (800) 732-0330.  You also should search the Internet for the investment professional’s name and past business experience.  Don’t be afraid to ask questions about what you find.

  • Understand the Investment Strategy

There are a wide variety of investments.  Make sure you understand the level of risk involved and think about whether the investment is suitable for your personal investing goals, time horizons and risk tolerance.  Investment pitches that are vague about who is involved in the transaction or where the money is going could be a red flag.  Salespeople may try to explain away this lack of specificity by stating that the details are too technical or complex for non-experts to understand.  If a promoter is unable to provide answers to the questions you ask, you should take that as a warning sign.  If you can’t understand it, consider carefully whether the investment is right for you.

  • Be Aware of Tactics of Con Artists and Fraudsters

Research shows that con-artists are experts at the art of persuasion, often using a variety of influence tactics tailored to the vulnerabilities of their victims.  Common tactics includephantom riches (dangling the prospect of wealth, enticing you with something you want but can’t have), source credibility (trying to build credibility by claiming to be with a reputable firm or to have a special credential or experience), social consensus (leading you to believe that other savvy investors have already invested), reciprocity (offering to do a small favor for you in return for a big favor), and scarcity (creating a false sense of urgency by claiming limited supply).

  • Ask Questions

Unbiased resources are available to help you make informed investing decisions. Whether checking the background of an investment professional, researching an investment, or learning about new products or scams, unbiased information can be a significant advantage for investing wisely.  A good starting point for this information is the SEC’s Investor.govwebsite.

Additional Resources Available on

For basic investment guidance, see our publication, Ask Questions.

For guidance on choosing an investment professional, review our Investor Bulletin, Top Tips for Selecting a Financial Professional.

To learn more about unregistered securities offerings, read:

Contact the SEC

If you have questions about checking the license or registration status of an individual or firm, submit a question to the SEC or call the SEC’s toll-free investor assistance line at (800) 732-0330 (dial 1-202-551-6551 if calling from outside of the United States).

Report a problem concerning your investments or report possible securities fraud to the SEC.

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