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EWM in the News: Real Assets Adviser Features EWM’s CIO Prateek Mehrotra in Comprehensive Perspective on the Endowment Model

By Alternative Investments, Endowment Index™

Prateek Mehrotra, MBA, CFA®, CAIA®, Chief Investment Officer of EWM is quoted extensively in this month’s Real Assets Adviser magazine.  In an article titled Endowment Model Takes Its Lumps: It has been a rough year or two, but proponents remind detractors that the model is built for long-term investment strategies, author Steve Bergsman collects viewpoints from several industry professionals analyzing the broad asset allocation of the endowment model and how the various underlying asset classes have contributed or detracted from performance in both recent years and over the long term.  Click on the link to read the entire article.

Weekly Unicorn News (November 2 ,2017)

By Unicorn Technology

Weekly Unicorn News features current articles about private technology companies whose ideas are dynamically changing our world. Investors refer to these private, venture-backed companies, all or most of which are valued at over $1 billion, as Unicorns, due to their rarity and size. This week’s issue features LinkedIn’s list of the 50 most sought-after startups and articles on SpaceX, Pinterest, 23andMe, Spotify, Lift, and Infor.  Click to read.


Press Release: New Fund Targets Large, Late-Stage Venture-Backed “Unicorns”

By Alternative Investments, Unicorn Technology

APPLETON, Wisc., Oct. 18, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — Endowment Wealth Management, Inc. has announced the launch of its EWM Unicorn Technology Fund. The private fund is seeking to raise up to $25 million to capitalize on what its management team sees as opportunities in the secondary market for private, late-stage venture capital technology companies. Such firms are often referred to as unicorns due to their rarity and size. The Fund manager will seek to build a diversified portfolio of companies that it believes may experience a liquidity event in the next 2-4 years. The Unicorn Technology Fund is currently fully invested across six such companies and the manager intends to add additional investments as the Fund grows.  Read entire release.

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U.S. Markets “T+2” Shortened Settlement Begins Tuesday

By Financial Markets & Economy, General

When you return from the long Labor Day holiday, your securities transactions in equities, corporate or municipal bonds, unit investment trusts, and any securities comprised of these security types will be subject to a “trade date plus 2 days” ( “T+2″) shortened settlement, from the current”T+3”.  Thus, any trades executed on Tuesday will settle on September 7.

The move harmonizes U.S. markets with most major international markets.  It is also expected to reduce risk of trade defaults and streamline capital requirements for equity clearing.

The current T+3 settlement process has been in place since 1995.

To learn more about T+2,  link to the T+2 fact sheet or visit

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2017 Unicorn Report

By Unicorn Technology

The unicorn frenzy has slackened in the US when compared to 2014 and 2015, but still more billion-dollar companies are being created than are turning that valuation into cash for their investors. While several of these companies have completed successful exits this year, more value is locked in unicorn companies than ever before.

The 2017 Unicorn Report slices through data surrounding these billion-dollar companies to analyze trends ranging from step-ups to down rounds to exit prospects. Included in the report are detailed tables packed with the specific deal terms surrounding dozens of unicorns.

Click here to download the Pitchbook 2017 Unicorn Report: PitchBook_2017_Unicorn_Report


University Endowments Reporting Significantly Improved Investment Returns Over Past Fiscal Year

By Endowment Index™

Early reporting data from schools providing endowment performance for the fiscal year ended June 30,2017 suggest that university endowments boosted their investment returns significantly over the last fiscal year from 2016. The median gain for all colleges reporting is 11.3 percent, while the median gain for larger schools (over $500 million in assets) was 13.3 percent for the 12-month period ended June 30th as reported by the Wilshire Trust Comparison Service. Comparatively, the Endowment Index® gained 13.47 percent during the period. Read the full article by Janet Lorin at

The United States of Unicorns

By Unicorn Technology, Venture Capital

Collectively, US unicorns are worth approximately $360B. Combined, these companies have raised just over $73B. To see the full list of US unicorns and associated data, check out the CB Insights blog.

The United States is home to 105 unicorn companies valued at $1B+. As of 7/25/2017, six private US companies are worth over $10B. The two most valuable unicorns in the US are Uber ($68B) and Airbnb ($29.3B). Palantir Technologies and WeWork, both valued at $20B, are tied for third.

Of the top four highest valued, only WeWork (which is based in NYC) is headquartered outside California. California has the highest unicorn “population” of any US state by far, with 62 billion-dollar startups inside its borders. New York ranks second with 15, followed by Massachusetts and Illinois with five each. Eight other states and the District of Columbia are also home to at least one company worth $1B+.

Using the CB Insights database and our real-time global unicorn tracker, we visualized the locations of every US-based unicorn in the map below.


  • Collectively, US unicorns are worth approximately $360B.
  • Combined, these companies have raised just over $73B.
  • After California, New York, Massachusetts, and Illinois, the next-highest unicorn populations are found in Utah (with four) and Florida (with three).
  • The top five most well-funded US unicorns are: Uber ($15.1B raised), Airbnb ($4.4B), WeWork ($2.76), Infor ($2.63B), and Lyft ($2.46B).
  • The oldest unicorn in the US is the greentech company Bloom Energy, which reached a valuation above $1B in 2009.
  • The newest unicorn in the US is 3D printing startup Desktop Metal, which became a unicorn in July 2017 after raising a $115M Series D.
  • The three most active investors in US-based unicorns, by total number of deals to these companies, are the VC firms Sequoia Capital, Andreessen Horowitz, and Tiger Global Management.

Learn about our Unicorn Technology Fund by registering here:

Source: CBInsights


Multi-Asset ETF Portfolio Best Route for Smaller Endowments, Isenberg Professor Says

By Endowment Index™, ETF Related

Hossein Kazemi, senior adviser to the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA) Association and professor of finance at the Isenberg School of Management at the University of Massachusetts, is claiming that many endowments should skip investments in illiquid assets such as hedge funds and private equity in favor of a multi-asset ETF portfolio.

Kazemi argues that most endowments should not attempt to mimic the Harvard or Yale Endowment portfolio mix by including a vast array of alternative investments, because few of them have the kind of access to top-tier managers that they do, which can lead to “pretty pricey underperformance”.

Kazemi goes on to say that smaller endowments should pursue a specific ETF mix that can provide a more stable return with less of the cost. This mix, according to Kazemi, should provide “similar exposures as a combination liquid/illiquid portfolio, minus many of the expenses associated with illiquid assets”.

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